Pernah lihat KESET di gedung-gedung di Jakarta kan? Terutama 'keset' dari bahan ijuk (atau sabut kelapa ya?) yang tebal dan biasanya diletakkan di pintu utama yang dari kaca atau di tangga luar menuju ke dalam gedung. Nah, apa yang tertulis di 'keset' tersebut? Ada dua bahasa di situ (biasanya bolak balik) yaitu "Welcome" dan "Selamat Datang".
Dengan pertanda 'keset' inilah anda sekalian dipersilahkan mengunjungi kaFE Depok yang baru saja mulai diluncurkan. Jadi, selamat datang dan welcome untuk membaca dan berdiskusi serta berkomentar.
Once again, Keset!!
Embun hanyalah setetes pagi yang mencoba menyusun kata. Namun kata selalu mencari makna. Gerombolan pikiran yang berduyun mencari ruang. Tanpa aturan, tanpa batasan. Ada yang memicu, ada yang menginspirasi. Cetak peristiwa masa lalu, baru tadi atau cita-cita ke depan belum pasti. Dan... embun pun menetes jatuh lenyap terserap bumi tatkala fajar kian hangat. Bila kenan kan, nantilah hingga esok hari sebelum jadi pagi. Semoga masih kan ada susunan kata baru...
Saturday, February 25, 2006
sengaja ingin mengetuk pintu neraka
agar kenan segera masuk ke dalam megahnya
neraka yang mana?
terserah, siapa yang punya
karena merasa segalanya adalah Ia
dimana kapan saja hanya tampak Ia
semakin keras bekerja
ah, adakah itu gemilang?
Kemajuan hanya milik surga
yang tak akan pernah bisa dinyana
ingin mengetuk pintu neraka
agar kenan masuk ke dalam megahnya
yakinlah bisa abadi digjaya
dalam kegagalan dan nista
agar kenan segera masuk ke dalam megahnya
neraka yang mana?
terserah, siapa yang punya
karena merasa segalanya adalah Ia
dimana kapan saja hanya tampak Ia
semakin keras bekerja
ah, adakah itu gemilang?
Kemajuan hanya milik surga
yang tak akan pernah bisa dinyana
ingin mengetuk pintu neraka
agar kenan masuk ke dalam megahnya
yakinlah bisa abadi digjaya
dalam kegagalan dan nista
Friday, February 24, 2006
bukan cuma pajak
Lelah!! Berjalan kaki di jalan yang mulai becek dan dekil karena salju yang mencair sejauh tidak kurang dari tujuh kilometer. Untunglah langit cukup cerah dan suhu sudah plus tujuh, meski masih terasa menggigit lemak-kulit yang memang tipis karena angin yang sepoi-sepoi menghembus. Kenapa harus jalan kaki sejauh ini?
Jadi, itu adalah jarak antara Ski tog statsjon atawa train station menuju Follo likningskontor alias local tax assessment office untuk membuat skattekort atau tax deduction card. Perlu membuat skattekort tersebut agar hasil sedikit bekerja yang aku peroleh di Norwegia kelak bisa mendapatkan pengurangan pajak - syukur-syukur di kembalikan. Nah, jalan menuju likningskontor ini tidak dilalui oleh jalur bus dan tentunya tidak punya mobil. Karena itulah, jalan kaki adalah alternatif satu-satunya.
Sudah sejauh itu berjalan kaki (belum termasuk pulang balik), ternyata mereka tidak bisa memberikan skattenkort karena data mereka mengatakan resident permit-ku tidak mencakup working permit. Namun, mereka menyarankan untuk ke Follo Politidistrikt atau local police station di tempat tinggal terdekat (yaitu Ås) untuk mendapat stamp visa baru yang termasuk working permit tersebut. Memang itu saran yang solutif. Dan pulang balik lah dengan berjalan kaki lagi tidak kurang 7 kilometer di jalan yang mulai becek dan dekil karena salju yang mencair.
Di samping itu, ada yang menarik soal pajak ini. Di likningskontor tadi, terlihat bahwa kantor pelayanan-nya sangat sederhana dan dijaga oleh tidak lebih dari 5 petugas - yang tidak kebetulan semuanya perempuan (ini akan dibahas kelak, mungkin).
Di pintu ada permintaan untuk mematikan telpon genggam, ingat ya permintaan! Bukan perintah atau larangan. Karena tidak ada gambar telpon genggam dicoret atau bentuk larangan yang sifatnya mengancam melainkan isinya hanya kata-kata tanpa tanda seru. Entah kenapa, aku spontan mengikuti petunjuk tersebut (demikian juga seorang bapak tua yang datang setelah aku). Jadi ingat peraturan larangan merokok di Jakarta, yang diterapkan dan ditegakkan setengah hati. Ehm...
Lalu, di setiap sudut ruangan ada rak yang penuh dengan berbagai macam formulir terkait pajak dan buku manual cara pengisian masing-masing formulir dan semuanya dalam bahasa Norsk, sialnya (nanti kalau aku ke sana lagi akan kuambil untuk souvenir! Hehehehe...).
Kesederhanaan tersebut bisa jadi karena sistem pajak di Norwegia sudah terintegrasi mulai dari Norwegian personal identification atau Fødselsnummer hingga kantor pajak dan imigrasi serta perbankan melalui sarana internet dan sms. Iya, sms! Short messages service di telpon genggam! Makanya, para wajib pajak (baca: warga negara, baik tetap maupun sementara) tidak perlu bersusah payah antri atau ke kantor pajak untuk membayar pajak dan kantornya tidak perlu besar-besar pun megah.
Tunggu dulu, untuk kasusku perlu datang karena tidak mengetahui bahasa Norsk dan ingin mengetahui prosedur resminya maka datanglah untuk mendapat penjelasan.
Selain soal integrasi sistem, menurutku juga karena kesadaran pajaknya yang sudah tinggi. Jika si pengumpul pajak (baca: pemerintah) sudah berkomitmen kerja dan pelayanannya, maka si pembayar juga bersedia membayar pajak. Ditambah, sistem yang ada mampu memberikan berbagai alternatif pelayanan sehingga tidak "merepotkan" (baca: biaya transaksi yang relatif rendah dibanding pajak tinggi yang harus dibayar). Dan, tidak mengherankan juga karena sistem kesejahteraan sosial juga sangat baik dimana pajak adalah sumber pembiayaannya (selain minyak yang Norwegia miliki) maka seluruh sistemik yang berkaitan dengan baik tersebut menghasilkan sebuah kehidupan yang juga seimbang pun ideal.
Dengan kata lain, ini semua ternyata bukan cuma soal pajak semata...
Semua ini juga persoalan kesejahteraan; komitmen individu, komunitas dan institusi; perancangan sistem; tata cara menjalankan peraturan; aksi pelayanan; dan masih banyak lagi.
Kapan di Indonesia kita bisa berpikir dan bertindak secara lengkap seperti ini ya????
Jadi, itu adalah jarak antara Ski tog statsjon atawa train station menuju Follo likningskontor alias local tax assessment office untuk membuat skattekort atau tax deduction card. Perlu membuat skattekort tersebut agar hasil sedikit bekerja yang aku peroleh di Norwegia kelak bisa mendapatkan pengurangan pajak - syukur-syukur di kembalikan. Nah, jalan menuju likningskontor ini tidak dilalui oleh jalur bus dan tentunya tidak punya mobil. Karena itulah, jalan kaki adalah alternatif satu-satunya.
Sudah sejauh itu berjalan kaki (belum termasuk pulang balik), ternyata mereka tidak bisa memberikan skattenkort karena data mereka mengatakan resident permit-ku tidak mencakup working permit. Namun, mereka menyarankan untuk ke Follo Politidistrikt atau local police station di tempat tinggal terdekat (yaitu Ås) untuk mendapat stamp visa baru yang termasuk working permit tersebut. Memang itu saran yang solutif. Dan pulang balik lah dengan berjalan kaki lagi tidak kurang 7 kilometer di jalan yang mulai becek dan dekil karena salju yang mencair.
Di samping itu, ada yang menarik soal pajak ini. Di likningskontor tadi, terlihat bahwa kantor pelayanan-nya sangat sederhana dan dijaga oleh tidak lebih dari 5 petugas - yang tidak kebetulan semuanya perempuan (ini akan dibahas kelak, mungkin).
Di pintu ada permintaan untuk mematikan telpon genggam, ingat ya permintaan! Bukan perintah atau larangan. Karena tidak ada gambar telpon genggam dicoret atau bentuk larangan yang sifatnya mengancam melainkan isinya hanya kata-kata tanpa tanda seru. Entah kenapa, aku spontan mengikuti petunjuk tersebut (demikian juga seorang bapak tua yang datang setelah aku). Jadi ingat peraturan larangan merokok di Jakarta, yang diterapkan dan ditegakkan setengah hati. Ehm...
Lalu, di setiap sudut ruangan ada rak yang penuh dengan berbagai macam formulir terkait pajak dan buku manual cara pengisian masing-masing formulir dan semuanya dalam bahasa Norsk, sialnya (nanti kalau aku ke sana lagi akan kuambil untuk souvenir! Hehehehe...).
Kesederhanaan tersebut bisa jadi karena sistem pajak di Norwegia sudah terintegrasi mulai dari Norwegian personal identification atau Fødselsnummer hingga kantor pajak dan imigrasi serta perbankan melalui sarana internet dan sms. Iya, sms! Short messages service di telpon genggam! Makanya, para wajib pajak (baca: warga negara, baik tetap maupun sementara) tidak perlu bersusah payah antri atau ke kantor pajak untuk membayar pajak dan kantornya tidak perlu besar-besar pun megah.
Tunggu dulu, untuk kasusku perlu datang karena tidak mengetahui bahasa Norsk dan ingin mengetahui prosedur resminya maka datanglah untuk mendapat penjelasan.
Selain soal integrasi sistem, menurutku juga karena kesadaran pajaknya yang sudah tinggi. Jika si pengumpul pajak (baca: pemerintah) sudah berkomitmen kerja dan pelayanannya, maka si pembayar juga bersedia membayar pajak. Ditambah, sistem yang ada mampu memberikan berbagai alternatif pelayanan sehingga tidak "merepotkan" (baca: biaya transaksi yang relatif rendah dibanding pajak tinggi yang harus dibayar). Dan, tidak mengherankan juga karena sistem kesejahteraan sosial juga sangat baik dimana pajak adalah sumber pembiayaannya (selain minyak yang Norwegia miliki) maka seluruh sistemik yang berkaitan dengan baik tersebut menghasilkan sebuah kehidupan yang juga seimbang pun ideal.
Dengan kata lain, ini semua ternyata bukan cuma soal pajak semata...
Semua ini juga persoalan kesejahteraan; komitmen individu, komunitas dan institusi; perancangan sistem; tata cara menjalankan peraturan; aksi pelayanan; dan masih banyak lagi.
Kapan di Indonesia kita bisa berpikir dan bertindak secara lengkap seperti ini ya????
Thursday, February 23, 2006
excel divide
I had just completed my first day teaching assistant assignment on BUS230/231 Decision Modelling (Linear Programming or also known as Operation Research) for first year Development and Resource Economic (DRE) students and I found sentimental feeling as recalling my first time taking this same course last year.
In today first session, Dadhi (my partner) firstly explained about the algebraic form of a linear programming model of one exercise, then the second part of mine is to explain them how to transfer those algebraic form into spreadsheet model with Microsoft Excel and find the solutions.
After responding to several questions during our presentation, we found later that the basic problem still occurs for most of students as last year when we took the course. Among 20 students, I can say that only maximum 5 to 7 students whose Excel literates. The rest is quite far behind on understanding Excel formula or shortcuts or so on. We need to guide them one by one on their unique first ‘kisses with Excel.
Meanwhile, I already felt that most of students have problem already with math-algebraic part since there are not many good-math-student like usually. Note that I am one among the stupid-math-student last year even until now. But, this Excel stuff is more technical problem and gets to be quite annoying because it’s something that needs more ‘training’ than remembrance. Can I call this phenomenon as Excel Divide for them? I guess so…
Now I am wondering how is the situation of Indonesian students from far away places or remote areas, such as Kalimantan or Papua region, which perhaps have the same ‘literacy’ on computer like African friends?
I feel very lucky (thanks God!) that I lived and got study in capital city and being exposed enough with digital technology…
In today first session, Dadhi (my partner) firstly explained about the algebraic form of a linear programming model of one exercise, then the second part of mine is to explain them how to transfer those algebraic form into spreadsheet model with Microsoft Excel and find the solutions.
After responding to several questions during our presentation, we found later that the basic problem still occurs for most of students as last year when we took the course. Among 20 students, I can say that only maximum 5 to 7 students whose Excel literates. The rest is quite far behind on understanding Excel formula or shortcuts or so on. We need to guide them one by one on their unique first ‘kisses with Excel.
Meanwhile, I already felt that most of students have problem already with math-algebraic part since there are not many good-math-student like usually. Note that I am one among the stupid-math-student last year even until now. But, this Excel stuff is more technical problem and gets to be quite annoying because it’s something that needs more ‘training’ than remembrance. Can I call this phenomenon as Excel Divide for them? I guess so…
Now I am wondering how is the situation of Indonesian students from far away places or remote areas, such as Kalimantan or Papua region, which perhaps have the same ‘literacy’ on computer like African friends?
I feel very lucky (thanks God!) that I lived and got study in capital city and being exposed enough with digital technology…
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
if you torture the data...
"If you torture the data enough, they will confess"

What?! Torturing data and they’ll confess?!
Gosh! Why they love econometrics so much? Yes, what I mean by ‘they’ are economists-wannabe and especially economists-wannabe from underdeveloped/developing countries. I have witnessed this back in my university in Indonesia before, but I realized that it also happen here in my university in Norway.
Friends, mostly from Africa and South Asia, are questioning me, "Why don't you take the STAT330?”(a.k.a Analysis of Categorical Data course) Please note that this course actually statistics course, but since many Development and Resource Economics master student take that course so it becomes some kind of the second compulsory econometric course for us and the teacher adapt the material and cases since then to fulfill our economics theory background. We already have 2 econometric courses in first and third semester, and the last semester we should write our thesis. But taking another course – in econometrics – seems not enough? Uh! Are you going to become econometrician or economist?
Well, my first reason not taking this course is because I have difficulties to learn more about this subject. What I mean is that I need to learn more basic things in econometrics, just like what I have got so far from the previous two courses. I really love the teacher, Kyrre Rickertsen, because he makes this stuff simpler and more fundamental instead of showing it as like the “devil” of derivations or formula (like my teacher in bachelor, Mr.HNP). Guess what, I start to love econometrics in some ways for sure. Unfortunately, Kyrre is looks like one of a kind. Another teacher (the one that give lecture on STAT330) does not proof me the same feeling as with Kyrre, by stating the above quotation in his first handout. So, that quote initiates my second reason for not taking more course on econometrics.
As far as my concern with data, my query is what kind of confession we will get? My mentor, Pak Jack (John W. Molyneaux), once said to be very careful in “utilizing” (not torturing!) data, especially survey data. There are several small but important factors we need to understand before we may ‘interrogates’ them to get confession. Not mention that these data have a lot of technical problems such as stack of questionnaires to read and piles of files with unique format to be merge. They may only consist of numbers and codes, but they will talk different if we question differently. Or if you use another secondary data, which is quite ready use like data from publication, how far we can explore them since there are so many problems may happen before we get the data on hand, e.g. data collection or tabulation-printing problem.
Anyway, the quote and friends question looks like to remind me to finalize the data for my thesis immediately. “Talking” with data seems very enjoyable instead of interrogating or even torturing them since they have so many stories and facts. But I also realized that they probably delude me as well certainly if I am stupid by trusting them too much. I hear they whisper… Alas, I don’t understand at all. They use binary language!!
And for econometrics?... Just like Def Leppard song titled "When love and hate collide"
Saturday, February 18, 2006
mencari sebuah puisi cinta
gelap malam tak pelak ingin segera kualihkan
menjadi indah fajar yang lembut nan menawan
siang tak ajar harus bisa kulewatkan
menjadi semu senja yang temaram menenangkan
dan segala ingin kuat meronta memekik
ingin segera dipenuhi
segala daya dan cara membara jadi api
membakar memacu semangat
hanya tetes rasa itu yang bisa menggenapi
secuil asa yang lalu tertitip didalam benak
rasa dan asa itu yang masih kau bawa
kini satu hanya inginku
menemui sang rasa dan asa
yang menyimpannya dengan kasih
menatap matanya dan mengetuk hatinya
agar sudi menemani segala ingin dan cita-cita
* setelah lama menatap sebingkai foto...
dan kangen berat!
menjadi indah fajar yang lembut nan menawan
siang tak ajar harus bisa kulewatkan
menjadi semu senja yang temaram menenangkan
dan segala ingin kuat meronta memekik
ingin segera dipenuhi
segala daya dan cara membara jadi api
membakar memacu semangat
hanya tetes rasa itu yang bisa menggenapi
secuil asa yang lalu tertitip didalam benak
rasa dan asa itu yang masih kau bawa
kini satu hanya inginku
menemui sang rasa dan asa
yang menyimpannya dengan kasih
menatap matanya dan mengetuk hatinya
agar sudi menemani segala ingin dan cita-cita
* setelah lama menatap sebingkai foto...
dan kangen berat!
tentang cinta dan puisi
Berikut adalah kutipanku yang kutemukan hari ini:
"Puisi akan selalu hadir ditengah-tengah cinta... meskipun ia datang tanpa secarik kertas berkata-kata atau kalimat berbunga pun pujian atau cercaan terhadap pujangganya melainkan dengan sang Hati sendiri"
unmeasurable love... just simple

Never too late than never... I just want to wish everybody happy 14th February of valentine's day with passion and love; whatever the pros and cons of it might be. May all heart and soul in every creature with pure hope and spirit on earth will have peace and enlight the world.
Speaking of creature, I am amaze with the story of Elephants Make a "Love Connection" from National Geographic. My favorit quote from this article is:
"But whether there's love in the wild heart is something that may never be measured"
If I may have one, I would like to have a pure love like the wild, "unmeasurable". No need rose or chocolate or fancy-expensive gift matter because that materials should not binding.
If you asked me how much I love you? I love you with my simple heart... just simple, only love.
*Photo: by National Geographic
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
situs kepresidenan atau situs seorang presiden?

Dr.H.Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, demikian nama Presiden Indonesia yang ke-6 ini dicantumkan dalam web Presiden Republik Indonesia seperti dimuat beritanya di harian Kompas hari ini.
Secara umum, isinya cukup baik dan informatif. Desainnya juga sesuai, paling tidak pilihan warna dan latar belakangnya tidak norak atau nyeleneh. Meskipun tampak standar sekali dengan warna abu-abu sebagai dasarnya dan kurang menonjolkan sisi "Indonesia" sebagai sebuah sistem manajemen negara yang dikepalai oleh seorang presiden atau sebagai sebuah bangsa. Mungkin konservatif atau takut "terlalu berani" bereksperimen dengan kombinasi warna. Atau mungkin karena memang bukan itu tujuannya. Ah, ini cuma masalah selera lah.
Tapi yang agak mengganggu, IMHO, adalah ini sesungguhnya situs resmi kepresidenan atau situs resmi pribadi seorang presiden? Dengan biaya awal 84 juta rupiah (baca di sini), mustinya situs ini bisa diberdayakan untuk masa ke depan dan isinya bisa menjadi sarana informasi resmi pemerintah untuk masyarakat luas. Dan bukan hanya untuk mengedepankan kepribadian seorang presiden. Alasanya, sebab alamat situsnya menggunakan "nama" Presiden SBY. Bukan alamat tertentu yang spesifik mengacu ke kepresidenan-nya. Selain itu, di bagian atas halaman situs terpampang foto dan nama Bapak Presiden. Sementara berbekal pengamatan tersebut, aku berkesimpulan situs ini merupakan situs resmi pribadi seorang presiden.
Bila mana demikian, apa esensi dan manfaat penerbitan situs ini bagi Indonesia? Lho, aku tidak bermaksud untuk menentang penerbitan situs ini. Sama sekali tidak! Malahan sangat mendukung pemanfaatan media internet semacam ini. Namun, aku sangat menyayangkan jika situs ini hanya sekedar jadi corong pribadi presiden semata daripada untuk mendukung kinerja kepresidenan yang tampak sekali masih belum optimal mengatasi berbagai persoalan kebangsaan dan kenegaraan. Itu saja kok...
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
On European Demography
I've got an email and an interesting articles from a potential-but-beautiful demografer, and she ask these question: What is the best solution for Europe? Promoting large family? Or Promoting in-migration? Will Indonesia face this after the "demographic bonus"?
I will give her my opinion-answer soon, hope so.
I will give her my opinion-answer soon, hope so.
After decades of ignorance, public awareness of demographic change in Europe is growing.
By 2050, every third German will be over 60 years old. That fact will affect the affluence and quality of life in Germany. And instead of high unemployment as a dominating theme, the discussion will instead become focused on labor shortages.
The problem essentially is the low birth rate -- German women have 1.3 children on average compared to 1.9 for the French. The reason is difficult to explain, says Francois Heran, director of the France's National Institute for Demographic Studies.
"The French birth rate is higher because of the continuity of 'family' politics and a series of complimentary measures by the government that affect daily life and education," she said. "I believe also, that the system of pre-school that we have certainly is an important factor in boosting the French birth rate -- 100 percent of children who are 3-years-old take part -- that is a world record. That isn't only childcare but also an element of education."
A new approach needed
In Germany, it has been long taboo to connect "family" politics with demographics, says Rudolf Herweck of the German Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. But since 2003, there has been a change in perspective, he adds.
"Our new 'politics' is that additional money is not sufficient to support families and that we need a three-pronged approach focusing on money, time and infrastructure," he said. "Money also means measures such as money for seniors, for children, tax deductions. Another point is time -- that employers should take measures to make the workplace more family-friendly. And finally we have changed our strategy, reaching out to other players in society because we can't make sustainable changes alone."
Employers must be involved
Employers have to be a partner, says Johannes Meier of the Bertelsmann Foundation.
"Employers must naturally realize, when they even half think about their long term interests, that our labor pool will dramatically change in the next twenty or thirty years," he said.
"They have to consider from where can we get qualified workers and how to guarantee that the skill level of employees is maintained. And that means very concretely that employers and local officials must take measures to reconcile work and family so that both parents can be gainfully employed. That is something normal in Scandinavian countries and in France and hopefully it will become something common for us, too."
Heran says that reforms in France tried to make it easier for working parents to return to work after having a child.
"When a woman in France has a child, she takes off work about one to three months, not three years," said Heran. "The French government also implemented a reform insuring that parents are compensated for their maternity leave but for a shorter time ensuring a more successful return to work."
Changing values
UN population expert Andres Vikat says that it will take a series of measures to affect a change in the birth rate. But he adds that part of the problem is a change in values.
"If a tradition model of a family, where the man works and the woman stays home with the children is seen as a hindrance to personal goals, then people are not going to do that," he said. "So if the state tries to promote that kind of model and go against the values of society, then even a large investment in measures promoting family is not going to have the desired results."
AuthorSabine Ripperger (jb)
© Deutsche Welle
Monday, February 13, 2006
when religion becomes sin
Interesting Editorial in The Jakarta Post, 13 February 2006. My best quote is "Moral goodness is in one's heart, proven through daily actions. It can never be simply founded in a book of laws which the insidious can interpret to justify the politics of the day"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The irony of democracy's cacophony is that the resulting liberty often gives birth to the freedom to be intolerant.
There can be no greater prejudice in this country than one based on religious chauvinism.
It is a case of the fervent few manipulating a passive majority.
These experiences teach us not to put stock in the false messengers of organized religion who excuse the lunacy of fanatics. Holiness is respect for all and the courage to stand up for helpless minorities.
Moral goodness is in one's heart, proven through daily actions. It can never be simply founded in a book of laws which the insidious can interpret to justify the politics of the day.
Imagine Bali adopting bylaws based on strict interpretations of the Hindu faith, or the Christian majority in Papua taking advantage of its special autonomy privileges to embrace Christian conservatism as a legal precept to regulate daily life.
No doubt Muslims throughout Indonesia would be up in arms.
Why then are our politicians acting so obliviously to the legal misnomers that have resulted in the unnecessary employment of shariah law by regional administrations? -- a practice which blatantly contravenes the 2004 Regional Autonomy Law.
Regencies and mayoralties such as Padang, West Sumatra, Cianjur, West Java, and Bulukumba, South Sulawesi, have issued bylaws implementing sharia. Conservatives in other regions are also making headway in their attempt to impose their religious views as law.
This development is, perhaps, a telling sign of the political elite's (lack of) commitment to the Constitutional vision of pluralism and equality before the law.
It is one thing if these people are true ideologues, but we fear they are mere opportunists instead -- those who would forward narrow-mindedness in society for the sake of short term political success.
They exploit society's longing for equality, justice and decorum by stoking religious fervor, all the while neglecting the fact that morality and justice have nothing to do with the application of religious laws per se.
Islamic values, and those of most major religions, are universal. It is already ingrained within the spirit of the 1945 Constitution, which includes respect for all irrespective of their faith (or lack of it).
We find no significant violation of the Islamic spirit in the laws of this land. On the contrary most actually reinforce the moral spirit of Islam.
That laws do not advocate public whippings, the amputation of a thief's hand or obligate public alms does not make national laws un-Islamic.
It is those who would coerce women to wear headscarves and deny them the right to be treated equally, who, we believe, are morally deficient.
By placing Islam as a focal point these regions are doing this great religion a disservice. It defies Islam's very egalitarian premise of purging discrimination.
Needlessly glorifying shariah law as a political object encumbers the religion with categorical outcomes when the end results fall short of the intent, as they often do.
It is the same as erroneously equating Islam with terrorism or the fact that a great many corruptors in this country proudly use religious titles before their name.
There's nothing wrong with the religion, it's the people who claim to be Muslims who are wrong!
The crux of the matter lies in our failure to recognize a distinct separation of religion from the state.
Indonesian society remains enamored by declarations of faith, while vilifying those who are morally cogent yet refuse to use their religion as political commerce.
In 1945 our forefathers made a visionary decision to uphold secular laws over ones which could potentially discriminate and split the fragile unity of this nation.
It is a cherished foresight, which a nation still vying for greatness should never lose sight of.
There can be no alternative now but for the highest judicial bodies of this land -- the Constitutional Court -- to strike down discriminative and religion-based regulations which local administrations have no authority to issue.
Articles 28D and 28I of the 1945 Constitution states that everyone should be free from discrimination and entitled to equal treatment before a just law.
Law No. 32/2004 on Regional Autonomy clearly stipulates that religious affairs are the realm of the central government. Article 28 of the law forbids regional administrations from taking decisions that discriminate against any citizen.
The core values of Islam are already alive and well in the hearts of all good Muslims. They need no boasting from politicians seeking to please an audience.
Failure to rectify these trespasses would be a moral, Constitutional and, dare we say, religious sin!
Saturday, February 11, 2006
embun durjana
diamuk amarah cerah pagi
tiada mengerti ingin mentari
sedang tak sabar memangkas hari
embun durjana
tersangkut di dahan siang
tak kering meski terpanggang
tetap lemah menanti asa datang
embun durjana
dihempas dingin angin malam
membara hangat tapi sepi tenggelam
menyisa harap namun ia tetap mengecam
embun durjana
bilakah segera jiwa mati?
tak kenan kan!
karna Tuhan juga bagai ikut benci
di gelap kuasa-Nya membatin hati
kaku sunyi
membela diri?
dijalaninya pidana semalam tadi
dan masih akan nanti...
* in Room T527 with GnA, my best fellow after "waiting" and then midnight pass-sad-by
A Tear and A Smile
by Kahlil Gibran
I would not exchange the sorrows of my heart
for the joys of the multitude.
And I would not have the tears that sadness makes
to flow from my every part turn into laughter.
I would that my life remain a tear and a smile.
A tear to purify my heart and give me understanding
of life's secrets and hidden things.
A smile to draw me nigh to the sons of my kind and
to be a symbol of my glorification of the gods.
A tear to unite me with those of broken heart;
a smile to be a sign of my joy in existence.
I would rather that I died in yearning and longing than
that I live weary and despairing.
I want the hunger for love and beauty to be in the
depths of my spirit,for I have seen those who are
satisfied the most wretched of people.
I have heard the sigh of those in yearning and longing,
and it is sweeter than the sweetest melody.
With evening's coming the flower folds her petals
and sleeps, embracingher longing.
At morning's approach she opens her lips to meet
the sun's kiss.
The life of a flower is longing and fulfilment.
A tear and a smile.
The waters of the sea become vapor and rise and come
together and area cloud.
And the cloud floats above the hills and valleys
until it meets the gentle breeze, then falls weeping
to the fields and joins with brooks and rivers to return
to the sea, its home.
The life of clouds is a parting and a meeting.
A tear and a smile.
And so does the spirit become separated from
the greater spirit to move in the world of matter
and pass as a cloud over the mountain of sorrow
and the plains of joy to meet the breeze of death
and return whence it came.
To the ocean of Love and Beauty----to God.
accu alias aki


Dari mana asal kata aki bermula disebut? Karena kata asli-nya adalah accu, yang asalnya dari bahasa Belanda. Kata lainnya adalah baterai, tapi kok kurang pas ya.
Kalau yang tipe kering mungkin boleh juga disebut baterai. Tapi rasanya tidak demikian dengan aki tipe satunya deh. Sebelumnya yang satunya itu disebut tipe basah, karena masih menggunakan cairan yang disebut air aki. Apa juga kata aslinya ya? Kenapa aku memusingkan asal katanya ya?
Accu alias aki ini komponen vital dari kendaraan jaman sekarang. Dan mempelajarinya juga tidak mudah, meskipun sudah dijelaskan sebagaimana sebuah tips di Otomotif agar dapat ditemukan yang cocok dengan kendaraan yang musti mengganti accu atau aki-nya.
Kenapa juga aku ngomongin accu alias aki ya? Bagai kedegilan yang menahun...
*sumber foto:
Sunday, February 05, 2006
"...i" dan ""
tak tahu apalagi yang bisa dihias
merenungi kenangan melas
masa kini meregang sensasi
terbawa dalam hingga mimpi
merenungi kenangan melas
masa kini meregang sensasi
terbawa dalam hingga mimpi
# puisi tak tuntas karena lepas
seperti hati yang getas
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
bagai sihirmu menyergap
tubuh dan jiwa
bahkan mengait menguntit
di kelahiran kembali
dilantunan senandung dawai
nada nelangsa di sudut reranting
nan kaku beku dihempas angin
terbawa hingga jauh
dan takkan terdengar
karena upaya segala
dikecup mesra hina
biar saja cinta
menangguk mimpi ria
tubuh dan jiwa
bahkan mengait menguntit
di kelahiran kembali
dilantunan senandung dawai
nada nelangsa di sudut reranting
nan kaku beku dihempas angin
terbawa hingga jauh
dan takkan terdengar
karena upaya segala
dikecup mesra hina
biar saja cinta
menangguk mimpi ria
# pa-dul = tanpa judul / GnA
di Tahun Anjing...

Gong Xi Fat Choi!
Congratulations and be prosperous!
Aku termasuk orang yang abu-abu kalau soal ramalan. Di satu sisi, aku tertarik dengan isinya bukan hanya yang baik-baik saja tapi juga yang buruk-buruk. Di sisi lain, aku tidak begitu percaya bahwa sesuatu - entah baik atau buruk - benar terjadi karena diramal. Artinya, aku lebih percaya semua itu jadi referensi. Jika dibilang baik, musti diwujudkan dengan kerja keras. Jika dibilang buruk, musti dihindarkan juga dengan kerja keras. Intinya, tetaplah kerja keras dan berdoa.
Di awal tahun Anjing ini, mungkin aku harus membuktikan kerja keras tersebut. Peruntungan shio-ku, shio Naga, kali ini cukup menyita perhatianku, sebagai berikut:
"Siklus shio Naga tahun ini mengalami tekanan yang sangat buruk dibandingkan shio lainnya, sebab Naga bertentangan (ciong) berat dengan shio Anjing. Oleh karena itu, kaum Naga harus bersikap hati-hati dalam mengambil keputusan penting. Dari sisi emosi, harus lebih sabar dan jangan mau terlibat konflik, baik dengan internal keluarga maupun lingkungan. Jangan melakukan kegiatan yang bersikap spekulatif di luar kemampuan, karena bisa mendatangkan kerugian dan kehancuran yang menyakitkan. Kondisi kesehatan dalam keadaan yang tidak selaras. Asal mau mundur selangkah, bahaya besar dapat terlewatkan"
(Peruntungan Shio di Tahun Anjing)
Ramalan tersebut (dan juga detailnya), seakan memastikan apa yang telah terjadi beberapa bulan terakhir dan bulan-bulan berikutnya ke depan. Sebulan terakhir ini aku banyak merenung selain sibuk dengan segala yang kini tak seperti sebelumnya. Dan segala tadi dan yang masih (akan) kukerjakan bagaikan menggarami laut.
Aku ingin mengatakan I will never be the same anymore...
Semoga kelak aku bisa berarti...
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