In Depok, some old ads, perhaps remaining from Ramadan, can still be found, calling for Muslims to recite more Koranic verses, to read basmallah (reading-initiation by mentioning God) before doing all activities and to use the right hand -- instead of the left -- in every supposed virtuous deed. Interestingly, a few of these ads include pictures of Depok's mayor -- one has him smiling and surrounded by people wearing songkok -- an Indonesian hat which usually symbolizes piety -- and women wearing scarves (jilbab).
In view of this, most of Indonesia's Muslims still emphasize that individual piety is to be shown in public. This, however, offers a paradox -- if not an absurdity -- with regard to the real life. Just go to Depok. You don't have to be a civil engineer or an urban planner to feel the poor quality of Depok's roads and streets. Most of them are becoming bumpier and more and more holes are filling with muddy water. Riding in a car is like dancing, because of the instability of our body. Enjoy it.
Why do these ads not talk about those damaged public facilities -- but instead call on Depok's citizens to read more Scripture, to recite magic formulas and to spread prejudice against left-handed people?
Meminjam istilah yang pernah diutarakan oleh seorang kawan, kutipan tersebut (dan keseluruhan artikel) di atas, seakan memuat resonansi kecil dari apa yang pernah kuposting sebelumnya.
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha, semoga segala pengorbanan yang tulus dan tanpa pamrih (meski demi surga sekalipun) datang dari segala penjuru demi kedamaian dan kesejahteraan sekalian umat manusia.
Hehehe... kenapa juga diremoved, Alief?
Saya sempat baca kok karena masuk ke inbox saya. Anyway, gak mungkin kan saya jadi wartawan The Jakarta Post. Gak punya kualifikasi demikian...
lho, saya kirim 2 komen kak. kok satunya malah ndak muncul ya?
Yang satunya saya bilang kalau topik tentang "tangan kanan" juga muncul di koran tempo, rubrik "cari angin", hari minggu kemarin. Lagi-lagi Putu Setia. Resonansi makin kuat :)
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